St Mark's Mission Trip
John 20:21
As the Father has sent Me,
I am sending you.
St Mark's Mission Trip
To Uganda 2024

One essential for this mission is prayer.
The team arrived home safely on the 14th April after a very emotional, but productive two weeks with the charity International Needs, the clergy, teachers, families, children and churches in the district of Buikwe.
The team will be giving an update in church with worship, food and fellowship in Ugandan style
First of all, the team would like to say a special thank you for the generosity and support St. Mark’s has given us.
Your donations have allowed us to purchase over 120 Bibles and support the very important work of the disability inclusion project. Other items that you have donated of spectacles, clothes, and other essential items will make such a difference to so many children and their families.
Latest News
14th April
The team have arrived home safe and sound, we look forward to hearing all about it.
A long journey, but feel it will be the beginning of a different journey…one of reflection.
Thank you Buikwe, the families, children, guides…everyone who has made their time richer, an experience which they will never forget.
They journey towards Entebbe, due to depart there at 17.05pm local time, on to Doha…not leaving there until the early hours and arriving Manchester around 6.45am tomorrow morning. God Speed…God Bless
12th April
Eileen and Wen have led assembly today, their last one of the trip.
This afternoon the team will tour the International Need projects and also be at the medical centre…before a farewell party/get together tonight.
It is almost unbelievable that, the in depth planning, long awaited trip is drawing to a close. Let us join pray for this final day in Buikwe.
Our God is good…he is their and our constant.
Lift the team into his care, that the Holy Spirit has gone ahead, preparing a safe and graceful journey home, starting tomorrow
8th April:
Jules heard from Eileen earlier today…
they are upbeat after two very uplifting services yesterday.
Today there is further teacher training and right now they have left to visit the disability school.
Thank you all for continued prayer
6th April:
The team had some much needed down time today…
They visited Jinja where they looked out over the Nile.
Prayers please for tomorrow as Eileen leads a Service at 7.00am,
100 + will attend, she will be joined by Wen and Stuart at that particular service. In faith we trust our Lord provides all that is needed for each and every one of us.
5th April:
Today Eileen and Wendy are doing school assemblies, there will be Teacher training alongside. The rest of the group, this morning, are visiting the medical centre and Kyindi classroom project.
This afternoon the group are all going to visit sponsored children.
We continue to pray and bless them on this adventure. Today let’s focus our prayers on the children and families they will meet.
I imagine a rewarding, humbling experience.
3rd April:
They arrived safely in Buikwe 10.30pm last night.
The itinerary today is mostly relaxed, familiarising themselves with their new environment.They have a guided walk around Buikwe and will prepare for teacher training, and meet the Headteacher.
Thank you Lord for being alongside them and we trusted in you for their travel. We continue to pray for this experience and the rich blessings you grant. Amen.
1st April:
The Uganda trip is officially under way, they left locally at 4.30pm and due to fly from Manchester 21.25pm …1st stop Doha.
Spirits were high, with expected slight anxiousness but mainly excited.
We know Jesus is at the centre of everything from start of the trip to the end. God Bless.
On April 1st 2024, a team of ten left Scarisbrick and headed to Buikwe, a district of Uganda, close to the shores of Lake Victoria, with the Christian charity International Needs..