St Mark's Walking Group

Joshua 3:5

Joshua told the people:
’Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow
the Lord will do amazing things among you.’

St Mark's Walking Group

2025 Programme

When Where Length/Ascent Difficulty
January 17th
Wigan Top Lock & Haigh Hall
5.5 miles / 400ft
February 21st
Pennington Flash
5 miles / 170ft
Super Easy
March 21st
Anderton Boat Lift & Great Budworth
6 miles / 300ft
April 19th
Nicky Nook
6 miles / 700ft
May 24th
Waddington; Ribble Valley
6 miles / 500ft
June 21st
Warton Crag
6.5 miles / 1000ft
July 19th
Arnside Knott & Pepper Pot
6.5 miles / 1000ft
August 16th
Belmont, Longworth Clough & Delph Reservoir
6 miles / 650ft
September 20th
Glasson Dock, Conder Green & Lancaster Canal
6 miles / 200ft
October 18th
Beamers Trail, Witton Weavers & River Darwen
6 miles / 650ft

With a passion for hiking and a love for nature, members of the group embark on regular walking adventures, discovering hidden trails, charming countryside paths, and picturesque views.
The group welcomes people of all ages and fitness levels, fostering a warm and inclusive atmosphere.
Led by experienced guides, each walk offers a chance to socialize, make new friends, and connect with like-minded individuals who share a deep appreciation for the great outdoors.

Whether it’s a leisurely local stroll or a more challenging trek through the countryside, the St Mark’s Walking Group offers a refreshing and rewarding experience for all who join.

For more information see Paul Heaney or Peter Luscombe in church or by using the “contact us” link below.

What you can expect:

Walkers meet at St Mark’s Parish Hall.
9.30am (summer) or 10am (winter) prompt*

  • These walks will usually be led by one of the leaders: John, Paul or Peter. We keep together as a group.
  • Walks will usually be about 6 miles but the difficulty depends on the terrain and the weather!
    Local wet weather in the days before the walk and tides for coastal walks can all have an impact.
  • All of these walks are published and known to me but will not necessarily be “recce’d” beforehand.
  • Easy does not mean pavement! Stiles, gates and rough paths can be expected.
    Moderate to Hard would suggest poles for hill walking.
  • Previous wet weather may suggest gaiters.
  • In any event be prepared: full gear is boots, warm socks, weatherproofs, hat and refreshments (lunch & drink).
  • Dogs strictly on leads and at the leader’s discretion: walks may involve crossing livestock fields and pubs may not be dog friendly especially if busy.
  • Journey is by private car so if any walker can drive and take passengers that helps; if car park or toll charges are incurred the driver would appreciate the passengers chipping in! Parking arrangements will be notified beforehand.
  • The walk will usually finish at a coffee house or pub for fellowship. 

* We don’t want to leave anyone behind so please let Peter (07708920125) or Paul (07725940751) know no later than the Wednesday by text before the walk so that we can finalise the arrangements.

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